
BEEF is a fresh, improv comedy-based spin on a traditional courtroom show. Set in a neighborhood butcher shop, this web series revolves around our host, Lou the butcher - the shop’s patriarch – a garrulous, 50-something family man. Like his shop, Lou is a neighborhood institution. Combining the wisdom of Samson with the eloquence of Yogi Berra, Lou is the guy everyone comes to when they have a “beef”. Each episode features a case brought by “people from the neighborhood” to be settled at Lou’s Butcher Shop. Nothing can't be smoothed over with a handshake, a choice cut of Grade-A meat, and Lou's signature line: "Are we done? We're done. Well done."

Created by Michael Ian Black (Stella, Michael & Michael Have Issues), Joe Lo Truglio (Superbad, Reno 911!) and Jonathan Stern (Childrens Hospital, Burning Love). 

BEEF will be released on Fullscreen in November 2016.

Michael Ian Black | @michaelianblack
Michael Blaiklock | @LILmookieB
Joe Lo Truglio | @JoeLoTruglio
Christopher Meloni | @Chris_Meloni
James Pumphrey | @JamesPumphrey
Angela Trimbur | @angelatrimbur

Jake Szymanski | @szyjake

Michael Ian Black (Creator)
Joe Lo Truglio (Creator)
Jonathan Stern

Michael Ian Black
Joe Lo Truglio | @JoeLoTruglio

Christopher Meloni squashes and serves BEEF in new trailer (VideoInk)
Michael Cera Has 'Beef' With Christopher Meloni in First Trailer (The Wrap)